
Lizard-headed Artifacts

Figurines, Lizard-headed or Ubaid Style, clay, Ur (Ubaid culture), 5th millenium BCE, h:13.6 cm From the Ubaid - Southern Mesopotamian Period, 5000 BCE - 4000 BCEFound in Ur. The Ubaid culture succeeded the Halaf at the end of the 6th millenium BCE in southern Iraq, then spread throughout Mesopotamia. Ubaid culture is known for painted pottery; large houses of tripartite plan for extended families; and lizard-headed figurines of both male and female gender. Figurines such as the above examples are typical. The figure on the left holds a baby on her hip and suckles it. The figure on the right has incised stretch marks on her abdomen. It has been suggested that the brown-painted dots and lines represent tatoos, and the clay pellets scarring. It is unknown if the shape of the skulls represents actual head-binding.Similar Lizard-headed figurines have been found at Eridu. Collon, Dominique. Ancient Near Eastern Art. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995, pg 46.

In the Books of Stichin called ' Divine Encounters ' he shows detialed proof how the Sumerians said that the Annunaki brung these beings with them when ever they created mankind. He also says in his book that these beings walked and staked out the whole Mesopatamian region before the gods would arrive and land these spaceships in the city of Eridu.

Micheal Tsarion book entitled 'Atlantis:,Alien Visitation, and Genetic Manipulation he talks about these beings also claims that these hybrids were created by the Annunaki for far somthing sinister than we could image. Since these annunaki were cast from the realms of Aravat 'The Planet of Yahweh' and others cast from the astro-belt which once was Nibiru. Thier is no telling if this happen our not. Because I already know that they were apart of Sumerian Mythology.