Great Pyramid Statistics This is the blocked room where Enoch's ancient text could be hiding if we could only move the 2,000 ton boulder then we could maybe know more bout our creation, I mean anything could be in thier.
The Great Pyramid at Giza, was not designed by Pharaoh but by Enoch, the man who walked with Yahweh. (Read the 'Book of Enoch' Genesis 5: 24). Egyptian laborers were used but the intelligence in the exact design came from the DESIGNER of the Universe, and that's what Enoch passed on to the builders of the Great Pyramid. It was not a mere burial tomb for a dead Pharaoh, but was meant to show 'in stone' the Timeline of Mankind until the 2nd Coming of the King of Kings. (SEE Great Pyramid Time Prophecy). This is why; it incorporates the dimensions of the Earth, Moon, and the template of life called the Golden Section which the Creator used in both the microcosm as well as the macrocosm (SEE Golden Section Graphics).
And therefore of all the 'Seven Wonders of the World' only the Great Pyramid has been preserved by Yahweh as a witness to His Greatness, design and TIMING until the END. None of the others have been preserved and remain, only the GREAT PYRAMID of Yahweh.
And it is because Enoch was the master builder, that the Great Pyramid in ancient times was called "Enoch's Pillar". His godly influence as a desert shepherd in turning the Pharaoh's heart temporarily to Yahweh ruled, before the Egyptian rulers reverted back to their worship of many gods. Enoch's Pillar was placed exactly as a boundary and cornerstone in Egypt, as only the Creator of the whole world would have known.
For as Isaiah said. In that day shall there be an altar to Yahweh in the MIDST of the land of Egypt and a PILLAR at the BORDER thereof to Yahweh. Isaiah 19: 20
For the Great Pyramid was not just a stone structure stuck randomly on the plateau of Giza. Yahweh's PILLAR, the Great Pyramid of Giza, is situated exactly at the center of gravity of the Earth, as geographers and mathematicians have now found out. For do remember that the Earth at one time was just one land mass, which the Lord later divided and spread apart, not by inch by inch continental drift, but by cataclysmic power after the Flood. (SEE Geography Mysteries, Adam to Flood Timeline and Continental Drift )
Consequently the Giza location is also on the longest possible landmass line whether in longitude or latitude. And hence any true researcher has to come to the conclusion that the Great Pyramid's very location was divinely inspired and NOT chosen by accident or chance.
And similarly, this type of boundary marker of the Lord, was NOT just done in Giza, but even the Children of Israel were instructed to build one as a WITNESS to succeeding generations. (SEE Joshua 22 ) Similarly, even the angels that preceded the FALL built a 500 foot high pyramid as an altar unto the Creator. (SEE Cydonia Pyramid on Mars). Again this height being consistent with the height of Giza, and the height of even Glastonbury Tor, all miniatures of the Greatest Temple of ALL, the phi designed, Crystal Pyramid of Eternity, New Jerusalem. (SEE New Jerusalem is a Crystal Pyramid)
And if you study pyramidology, you will soon discover that an inch equals a year in time by theory. And that theory accurately and precisely parallels the exact history of the Earth when you add up all the 500 feet of both its height and its passageways. Why because 500 feet equals 6000 inches which equals 6000 years.
And Enoch stated very precisely that there was going to be Seven thousand years before the Earth was renewed. And when you take away one thousand years, for the Yahweh's Millennial rule before this NEW HEAVEN and NEW Earth, and descent of New Jerusalem to the Earth, then that leaves us with a 6,000 year rule of man. Hence the Pillar of Enoch was a n exact prophetic marker and WITNESS as well as an altar, from which His people were to give glory and honor to the Creator. And that is why, internally it's dimensions and sarcophagus parallels the most sacred Temple of All, the TABERNACLE consisting of The ARK of the Covenant inside the HOLY OF HOLIES. The parallels are exact because the Lord is exact. (SEE Ark and Sacrophagus)
But in case you still don�t believe after what you have studied and researched so far. Do notice that as you proceed in time down the ascending passage way of the Great Pyramid to the Flood of Noah, and upwards to the Messiah and the start of the Grand Gallery, and then onto the Great Step, you pass thru the Ante Room. (SEE Frequency Corelation of 29 Steps) And what is the dimension of this room before you enter into the King's Chamber. It's circular circumference touching each side and floor is 365.24 inches. And when you change this revolution in inches into time, you get 365 years which is the exact length of Enoch's life while here on Earth. (SEE Genesis 5: 23) And when you convert every inch into a day, you get 365.24 days which is the exact number of days it takes the Earth to travel around the SUN (SEE Tabernacle of the SUN) And so with these measurements you have the confirmation from the Lord that Enoch was the man He sent to design His temple and Boundary, and WITNESS, and they have called this circumference, 'ENOCH'S CIRCLE'