
Ancient Astronauts

Figurines, Lizard-headed or Ubaid Style, clay, Ur (Ubaid culture), 5th millenium BCE, h:13.6 cm From the Ubaid - Southern Mesopotamian Period, 5000 BCE - 4000 BCEFound in Ur. The Ubaid culture succeeded the Halaf at the end of the 6th millenium BCE in southern Iraq, then spread throughout Mesopotamia. Ubaid culture is known for painted pottery; large houses of tripartite plan for extended families; and lizard-headed figurines of both male and female gender.

Figurines such as the above examples are typical. The figure on the left holds a baby on her hip and suckles it. The figure on the right has incised stretch marks on her abdomen. It has been suggested that the brown-painted dots and lines represent tatoos, and the clay pellets scarring. It is unknown if the shape of the skulls represents actual head-binding.Similar Lizard-headed figurines have been found at Eridu. Collon, Dominique. Ancient Near Eastern Art. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1995, pg 46.

Erich von Daniken

One of the strongest proponent of ancient astronaut theory is Erich von Daniken, author of several popular books on the subject. His best-selling Chariots of the Gods, published in 1968, argued that spacecraft landed long before modern humanity peopled the Earth. The ancient visitors carried out breeding experiments and produced a creature intelligent enough to have the rules of society imparted to it. These new beings invented agriculture and became the first artists, then created their own warlike civilizations. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed by an atomic bomb. The Ark of the Covenant was allegedly an electrified transmitter that allowed Moses to communicate with the astronauts. Von Daniken claims that ancient astronauts, complete with space helmets, were carved on stela at the Mayan city of Copan.

The term 'Ancient Astronauts' generally refers to extraterrestrials who
came to Earth and were in some way responsible for seeding the human race.

There are references to these entities in the bible, in ancient art and other texts. They are all linked with myths about creation found in all ancient civilizations.

As we search to find the truth behind the illusion, who created the human race, or biogenetic experiment, we look to those who came from the stars, ancient astronauts, creational gods, for our answers. All is theory, virtual reality, consciousness, and for the most part not provable, subject to the interpretation of the researcher or experiencer.

Most of us would love to find evidence of ancient astronauts, be visited by friendly aliens who could enlighten us to our true creational blueprint. Throughout the history of the human drama, we find all sorts of evidence that makes us think, believe, and quest for the greater truth. They are all just myths, legends, and theories...

Theories about Atlantis often link sightings of ancient astronauts to Atlantean space ships. This goes to the ancient gods called the Zep Tepi.

In China we find theories about an alien race called the Dropa who left behind fascinating discs.

The Popol Vuh, sacred to the Mayans, unequivocally states, "Men came from the stars, knowing everything, and they examined the four corners of the sky and the Earth's round surface."

Brazilian UFO researcher Jean Alencar has noted that the mythology of this country is replete with descriptions and statuettes of beings endowed with the power of flight. The legends of Brazilian natives, like those of other countries, detail experiences of gods or travelers from the sky who descended to earth when humans were little more that animals to instruct them in the arts of agriculture, astronomy, medicine, and other disciplines. Alencar points out one figure in particular, Bep-Kororoti, a space warrior worshipped by the tribes of the upper reaches of the Xing River. Not unlike the heroes of India's Mahabarata, Bep-Kororoti possessed a flying vehicle capable of destroying anything in its path. His aspect terrified the primitive natives, until he stepped out of his "raiment" and revealed himself to be fair-skinned, handsome, and kind. He amused the natives with his "magic" until he grew restless for his land in the sky and returned there.

The Chilam Balaam, is even more explicit and states "Beings descended from the sky in flying vessels...white men in flying rings, who can touch the sky."

There are indications that something very strange took place on our very own continent hundreds of thousands of years ago, before humans arrived on this continent (according to the canon of anthropology). Santa Maria Canyon holds evidence pointing toward the existence of a culture of intelligent beings who raised cattle, built weapons, and practiced funeral rites -- one million years ago. If we decide to stick with what academia has to say, in no way could these beings have been humans. Were they survivors of a Race of Aliens? This brings to mind theories of marooned spacemen, or colonists trying to tame a new planet? During the Prehistory Conference held during 1962 in Rome, Dr. W. Matthes presented the oldest carvings known to exist, created by a forgotten artist two hundred thousand years ago, when humans had allegedly just discovered the use of fire.

Discovered by the 19th century French explorer Henri Lhote, these figures were so unusual he dubbed them Martians, explaining their contour is simple, unartistic, and with rounded heads; their only detail is the double oval at the figure's center, which evokes the image we currently have of Martians.

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